Eight children and mother of six, all from Syria, die in fire in Bursa

Photos: AA
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Eight children aged between one and 11 and a woman who was the mother of six of them lost their lives in a fire last night (November 8) in their house in Yıldırım, Bursa. The first assessments indicate that the fire in the flat where the family from Syria lived was caused by the heater.
The mother, Amina Eltaha Elmuse (31), her children Yasir (1), Ahmed (4), Gerem (6), Merem (9), Ali (10 ) and Muhammed Aljasem (3) and their cousins Ahmed (10) and Ali El Cesim (11) all died in the fire.
Hüseyin Aljasem, father of six who was not at home when the fire started but came and tried to intervene. He was affected by fire smoke and hospitalized and later released from hospital.
Another mother, father and child, again from Syria and living on the flat above were also affected by fire smoke. Their treatment is continuing.
Yakup Canbolat, Governor of Bursa announced that the fire was probably caused by the heater, according to the first assessment of the fire department.
The neighbors of the family said that the family was making their living collecting paper on the streets.
Anadolu Agency (AA) reported that Hüseyin Aljasem and his family had left their village in the south of Aleppo in Syria in 2017 and come to Türkiye. (AÖ/PE/VK)