Education Ministry to Review Book Where It Used Women to Describe Child Abuse

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The Ministry of National Education used images of adult women to describe child abuse in a booklet it prepared for school counselors.
Under the chapter of "Sexual Abuse", the book explains what good touch and bad touch is. Out of four drawings in the chapter, the "good touching" women are veiled and "bad touching" women are not veiled.
CLICK - Ministry of Education Used Women to Explain Sexual Abuse
Daily BirGün first reported on the book, saying, "This is how a vindictive generation will be created," apparently referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's remarks where he said he wanted the next generation to be "religious and vindictive."
After drawing criticism for the book, the ministry today (January 14) released a statement, saying that the book was written for not students but teachers, contrary to what the newspaper said in the report.
It added that only four of the 150 images in the book were published in the report, asserting that BirGün tried to "create a perception."
The ministry stated that it has launched a review of the book regarding the claims in the news article. (RT/VK)