‘Education cannot be distant, we don’t want a lost generation’

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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Minister of Education Ziya Selçuk reiterated the plans to resume face-to-face education in Turkey on September 6 earlier today (July 26).
Shortly afterwards, the Association of Students' Guardians (Veli-Der) has released a written statement regarding the issue.
Recalling that in-class education will resume in Turkey in 42 days if everything goes as planned, the Association has said, "The numbers of cases are increasing and the vaccination pace is decreasing with each passing day, which makes us more concerned."
"We do not have even a single day to lose," the Association has said, underlining that "each passing day when the in-class education does not begin or cannot be maintained due to the failure to take measures leads to an increase in the losses faced by children in terms of their academic, social and psychological development and aggravates the inequalities."
"We are losing the hopes, dreams and common future of our children," the statement of the Association has read, reiterating that "the gradually increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases and the slowing down in the pace of vaccination are making them more concerned."
Recalling that the schools are poised to be opened for in-class education on September 6, the Association has expressed its demand that the necessary measures be taken for the face-to-face education as soon as possible so that children can reunite with their schools."
"For the Ministry of National Education and the Minister of National Education, which are primarily responsible for education as well as for making all plans and meeting all necessities within this context, in-class education is only an intention and a wish. The responsibility of the Ministry and the Minister is not expressing intentions or wishes but declaring to the public that all necessary measures for reopening schools have been taken and showing the necessary determination to resume in-class education on September 6," the Association has said.
Announcing that they, as the Association, have launched a campaign for in-class education, Veli-Der Chair Ömer Yılmaz has reiterated that the Ministry of National Education is responsible for children's right to education and making the necessary plans and taking the measures for face-to-face education. Recalling that the schools will reopen on September 6 after the summer break, he has said that as of today (July 26), they have launched the "Let Face-to-Face Education Begin" campaign.
"We will exercise our all democratic rights for face-to-face education and our children's right to education day by day," Yılmaz has said. (AÖ/SD)