Edirne Governor: I Am Saying With Rancor

Referring the recent rising of tensions in Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, Turkey’s Edirne Province Governor Dursun Şahin made a statement saying that they would only open a synagogue currently in restoration as a museum.
Şahin said the following:
“We are restoring synagogues as those bandits in disguise of human beings break out war winds for Al-Aqsa Mosque and perish Muslims in a field exercise fashion. I am saying all this with a great rancor. We are cleaning the extremities of their graves and send their projects to the culture preservation councils. Look at our perspective and look at theirs. We will only approve the synagogue as a museum with nothing inside as it is.”
Previous acts
Previously, the aforementioned governor also received media attention for ordering tea houses to serve only one cube of sugar to its customers and use dishwashers as a requirement, as well as dismissing a doctor who warned about the potential cancer of the rice grown in the nearby Ergene river, ordering teenager girl students to wear skirts below their knees, and telling local journalists not to write anything about Giresun province [during his governorship in Girusun].
Governor Şahin
Born in 1950 in Düzce province, Şahin graduated from law faculty and had a short period of office jobs.
Later on, he served as governor in small towns and as supervisor in Interior Ministry.
In 1976, he served as vice governor in Ankara, Istanbul and Zonguldak. He started his post as Edirne Governor on May 23, 2014.
In 2014, he was candidate for nomination as mayor under Justice and Development Party (AKP) from his home town Düzce. He was not nominated. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.