Economic relations between Turkey and France amid Erdoğan’s call for boycott

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President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan delivered a speech at the opening event of Mawlid al-Nabi Week at the Convention and Culture Center in the Presidential Complex in the capital city of Ankara yesterday (October 26).
Condemning the discrimination against Muslims in France and Germany, President Erdoğan made a call for a boycott in following words:
"We see that enmity towards Islam and Muslims is spreading like a plague across societies, particularly in European countries. Businesses, residences, houses of prayer and schools, which belong to Muslims, suffer every day from attacks by racist and fascist groups,
"I hereby call on my nation; just like France says 'do not buy products with Turkish brands,' I call on my people to not buy French products.
"Muslim women suffer from insults or physical harassments due to their dresses in the streets, market places, on buses or ferries. The right to education is taken away from Muslim children due to made-up excuses.
"Not a day goes by that we do not hear news of an attack on a house of prayer or a foundation which belongs to Muslims. Most recently in Germany and Australia. We witnessed a grave catastrophe in Australia before.
'I call on Chancellor Merkel...'
"I call on Chancellor Merkel; what happened to the freedom of faith in your country? Your state was supposed to secure those who practiced their religion. Then how come over a hundred policemen raided a mosque during the Morning Prayer? Have you ever heard of such a thing from Turkey? No, because we truly have freedom of faith.
"Not a day goes by that we do not witness a practice that limits Muslims' freedom of faith and worship. Not a day goes by that we do not see a vulgar and despicable act targeting our Prophet and our holy book, the Quran. Such attacks have begun to take place on the walls upon the encouragement of the leader of France who needs mental check."
Economic and commercial relations with France
Amid escalating tensions between France and Turkey, especially after President and AKP Chair Erdoğan said that President of France Emmanuel Macron "needed a mental check," he has now called for a boycott of French products. But where do the economic and commercial relations between the two countries stand? Here is a brief summary...
A major import and export partner
According to the figures of the Trade Ministry for 2019, France is Turkey's sixth largest import partner and the seventh largest export partner.
Turkey's top 10 export partners were as follows in 2019:
Russia – 23.1 billion dollars, Germany - 19.2 billion dollars, China – 19.1 billion dollars, the US - 11.8 billion dollars, Italy – 9.3 billion dollars, France - 6.7 billion dollars, India - 6.6 billion dollars, South Korea – 5.7 billion dollars, the UK - 5.6 billion dollars, Spain – 4.4 billion dollars.
Turkey's top 19 import partners were as follows:
Germany - 16.6 billion dollars, the UK - 11.2 billion dollars, Iraq – 10.2 billion dollars, Italy – 9.7 billion dollars, the US – 8.9 billion dollars, Spain – 8.1 billion dollars, France – 7.9 billion dollars, the Netherlands – 5.7 billion dollars, Israel - 4.4 billion dollars, Russia – 4.1 billion dollars.
Export on the increase, import on decrease
When the last five years are considered, Turkey's export to France was 6.1 billion dollars in 2015; it then increased to 6.3 billion dollars in 2016, to 6.8 billion dollars in 2017, 7.6 billion dollars in 2018 and 7.9 billion dollars in 2019. However, there has been a decrease in import. While Turkey's import from France was 7.9 billion dollars in 2015, it dropped to 6.7 billion in 2019.
Main export and import items
Turkey's main import items from France are as follows: Aircraft and aerospace industrial products, automobile and industrial products, machinery and devices for general use, basic chemicals, nitrogenous, plastic and synthetic rubber products.
Turkey's main export items to France are as follows: Automobile industry products, ready-made clothing, automobile sub-industry products, electrical household appliances, machinery and devices for general use, textile industry products and electrical devices.
Investments of France 30.9 times higher
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are 1,524 France-owned companies. The figures of Turkey's Central Bank show that the total direct investments made by France-owned companies in Turkey was 7 billion 274 million dollars in 2002-2018. In the same period, this figure was 235 million dollars for Turkey. (DŞ/EKN/SD)