Ecological massacre in the name of expropriation

Several green areas have been expropriated for allocation to numerous environmental companies through presidential decrees published in the Official Gazette on March 12.
Among the expropriated areas is the 190-parcel land around Akbelen Forest according to the presidential decree. The list of expropriated lands for the expansion of businesses belonging to companies such as Sabancı, Rönesans, Kalyon, Limak is as follows:
Decision on Declaring the Area in Kırıkhan, Hatay Province, Shown in the Boundaries as Hatay Kırıkhan Roketsan Industrial Zone (Decision Number: 8241)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation of Some Immovables in Balıkesir, İzmir, and Manisa Provinces for the Construction of Uygar RES Power Generation Plant, as per the Information on Expropriation by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (Decision Number: 8243)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation of Certain Immovables in Eskişehir Province, as per the Information on Expropriation by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, for the Construction of R3-Bilecik-6 RES Power Generation Plant (Decision Number: 8244)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation of Some Immovables in the Scope of the 154 kV Keban Substation-2-Malatya-2 Energy Transmission Line Renewal Project by the Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation (Decision Number: 8245)
Expropriation in Akbelen
Decision on Urgent Expropriation by the General Directorate of Mining and Petroleum Affairs for Certain Immovables Needed for the Continuation of Lignite Mining in the IV. Group Mining (Lignite) Operation Licensed Area Numbered S:86541 in Milas, Muğla Province (Decision Number: 8247)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation by the General Directorate of Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation for Certain Immovables in the Scope of the 154 kV (Şereflikoçhisar-Kütüklü)-Brş.N-R3-Ankara-2-1 RES TM Energy Transmission Line Project (Decision Number: 8249)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority for Certain Immovables in Amasya and Çorum Provinces, as per the Information on Expropriation for the Construction of R3-Çorum-1 RES Power Generation Plant (Decision Number: 8250)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation by the Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation for Certain Immovables in the Scope of the 400 kV Atatürk HPP-Çobanbeyli TM Energy Transmission Line and the 154 kV Elbistan B-Kandil Energy Transmission Line for the Purpose of Displacement (Decision Number: 8251)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation by the General Directorate of Turkish Electricity Distribution Corporation for Certain Immovables for the Construction of Energy Transmission Lines, as per the Information on Expropriation and Routes Shown (Decision Number: 8252)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority for Certain Immovables in Siirt Province for the Construction of Baykan Energy Group HPP Power Generation Plant (Decision Number: 8254)
Decision on Urgent Expropriation by the Turkish Electricity Transmission Corporation for Certain Immovables in the Scope of the 154 kV Şereflikoçhisar-Kütüklü Temporary Energy Transmission Line Project (Decision Number: 8255) (Mİ/VK)