Ebru Timtik's funeral: Police use rubber bullets, tear gas against crowd, surround cemevi

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The body of lawyer Ebru Timtik, who lost her life on a death fast yesterday (August 27), has been brought from the Forensic Medicine Institution (ATK) after the autopsy was completed to Gazi Cemevi, where her funeral will be held.
The police did not allow the people who were waiting in front of the ATK to receive Timtik's body and used tear gas and rubber bullets against them.
Timtik's funeral will be held in the predominantly Alevi neighborhood of Gazi, following her will. Ahead of the funeral, the police also surrounded the Gazi Cemevi, an Alevi place of worship.
It was previously announced that Timtik's body would be brought to the İstanbul Bar Association in Beyoğlu district for a commemoration event. However, the police did not allow the body to be taken there. Lawyers still gathered in front of the bar association building.
"This death could have been prevented. They did not," the bar said in a statement.
Attorneys headed to Gazi Neighborhood after the commemoration.
Aytaç Ünsal, the other lawyer on a death fast, sent a message from the hospital he is held, saying that "Is there any other example of this, a lawyer who sacrifices her life for justice..."
Videos of the incidents at the Forensic Medicine Institution:
Kitleye plastik mermi ile müdahale edildi. #EbruTimtik pic.twitter.com/FtKkxiBHtP
— Eylem Nazlıer (@eylemnazlier) August 28, 2020
Adli Tıp Kurumu önünde bekleyenlere ve basın çalışanlarına polis müdahale etti. Timtik'in cenazesinin nereye götürüldüğü ise bilinmiyor. pic.twitter.com/LVif9M5pkD
— Eylem Nazlıer (@eylemnazlier) August 28, 2020
Ölüm orucunun 238’inci gününde hayatını kaybeden avukat Ebru Timtik'in cenazesi Adli Tıp Kurumu önünden kaçırıldı. pic.twitter.com/4X3na9mKSB
— Eylem Nazlıer (@eylemnazlier) August 28, 2020
What happened?On a death fast for a fair trial, Ebru Timtik, one of the death fasting arrested lawyers, was held in the Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital in Bakırköy, İstanbul. On a death fast for 205 days, arrested lawyer Aytaç Ünsal is also currently held in Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Training and Research Hospital, a pandemic hospital in İstanbul. Charged with "membership of the organization," Ebru Timtik was sentenced to 13 years, 6 months in prison and Aytaç Ünsal to 10 years, 6 months. The case filed against the lawyers of the Progressive Lawyers Association (ÇHD) is still pending the final verdict of the Court of Cassation. An application was made to the Constitutional Court for arrested lawyers Timtik and Ünsal on August 10, 2020. The application to the supreme court noted that "while they should have been released based on the reports prepared by the Forensic Medicine Institution, they were unjustly and unlawfully arrested and their health conditions were deteriorating in hospital conditions where they were held." Within this context, the attorneys of Ünsal and Timtik requested that the Constitutional Court write an official letter to the local court, ordering the release of arrested lawyers as a precaution. Rejecting death fasting lawyers' request for release, the Constitutional Court neither examined the medical reports nor their statements on not being treated at hospital. "There is no serious danger posed to their material or immaterial integrity," it concluded. The İstanbul Forensic Medicine Institution announced its report on lawyer Ebru Timtik and Aytaç Ünsal on July 30, 2020 and said that neither of them was in a state to stay in prison. |