East Blacksea Vegan Fest to take place on July 28, 29, 30

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A vegan fest will be held in Fındıklı, Rize on July 28-29-30. There are going to be panel discussions, workshops, nature tours, and concerts in the festival and there is also the option to stay for the night in the camp.
The aim of the festival is to raise awareness of animal rights. The whole organization is carried out with a common budget with voluntary contributions and in solidarity.
All activities will take place in the Hayati Aykut Park in Fındıklı.
What is veganism?
Veganism is a philosophy and lifestyle in which one avoids the exploitation and torture that the animals are subjected to for the sake of providing food, clothes, or other goods in the most practicable way.
Veganism also means supporting the use and developing of alternatives not involving the use of animals and for the benefit of humans, animals, and the environment.
And in terms of nutrition, it means partially or totally rejecting food that is obtained from animals.
Ayrıca veganlık, insanlar, hayvanlar ve çevrenin yararına, hayvan kullanımını içermeyen alternatiflerin geliştirilmesini ve kullanımını da desteklemek demek. (EMK/PE)