'Dropped from helicopter’ expression in the medical report

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The medical report prepared about the condition of Osman Şiban and Servet Turgut has said that "they were injured by falling from a higher place."
Speaking about the issue, Osman Şiban said that he and Servet Turgut were dropped from a helicopter after they had been detained and tortured by soldiers in Turkey's Kurdish-majority eastern province of Van.
Taken into custody by the soldiers who launched an operation in the Çatak district of Van province on September 11, Osman Şiban (50) and Servet Turgut (55) were found in the intensive care unit of the Van Regional Training and Research Hospital two days later.
As reported by Cemil Uğur from the Mezopotamya Agency (MA), the hospital epicrisis report of Şiban and Turgut has been completed.
The report has indicated that Şiban was taken to the Van Training and Research Hospital "with complaints of injury after falling from a helicopter."
While the "Intensive Care" section of the report has referred to "falling from a higher place" as a complaint, the report has further said that "they were brought to the emergency department by paramedics upon being informed by the security personnel after they had fallen from a higher place."
'He was referred for intensive care'
Signed by Neurosurgeon E.B., the "medical history" part of the report has indicated that the patient was brought to the emergency service with complaints of "falling from a higher place."
Further in the report, the following observations have been shared about Şiban: "...on the day of the incident, the emergency medicine specialist said that the patient was brought to the emergency service after being injured by falling from a helicopter and a medical consultation was requested. The patient was examined in the emergency room."
According to the report, while the negative effects on Şiban subsided in time, he was still taken to the intensive care unit. It has been further indicated that the blood built up under his elbow skin and in his eyes and the bruises around his eyes have decreased.
In the report prepared about Şiban, who was taken to a private hospital by soldiers on September 11, there were no complaints referring to being dropped from a helicopter. That report also said that his general condition was "moderately bad." The report indicated that Şiban had bruises in both of his eyes and swelling in his head, neck and face due to trauma.
Şiban was also vomiting blood, according to the report. After it was diagnosed that Şiban needed to be taken to an intensive care unit, he was referred to the Van Regional Training and Research Hospital.
He still has a risk of death
Taken into custody in the same operation, Servet Turgut is still in treatment in hospital. He still has a risk of death.
The report documenting the trauma on Turgut's body has indicated that he was first taken to a private hospital, but was then referred to the Van Regional Training and Research Hospital.
"The unnamed patient was brought because of falling from a higher place. Intubated patient," the report has noted. (AS/SD)