Discrimination against trans woman at İstanbul hospital

"Trans women are women" (Photo:csgorselarsiv.org)
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A trans woman said she had been subjected to discrimination at a state hospital in Bakırköy, İstanbul, Kaos GL reported.
The woman, identified with the initials S.A., said a secretary at the hospital had told her, "I guess you don't look at how you look like. I can't look at your face."
"There was a glass compartment between us and the secretariat, it blocks the sound. And because the person working at the secretariat did not look at my face, I couldn't hear what they said," she explained. "When I asked them to say again, they said they didn't want to look me in the face because of my appearance."
The incident happened on January 18, when S.A. went to Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital for an examination.
After the police officers at the hospital refused to process her complaint for discrimination, she called the police, but no officers came to the hospital even though she waited for an hour, said the woman.
"Meanwhile, they removed the health worker who insulted me and closed their desk. I applied to the patient rights department of the hospital. I hope what is necessary will be done," said S.A. (EMK/VK)