Dilipak claims that government knew about the 2016 coup attempt four months before in detail

Former Yeniakit newspaper columnist Abdurrahman Dilipak claimed that the AKP knew all the details of the coup attempt on 15 July 2016 coup attempt four months before it occurred.
Dilipak shared his allegations from the X account:
"It's as if the FETÖ members never attempted a coup, and AK Party members are pretending as if they were unaware of the coup and only managed to suppress it at the last moment with the help of the people. However, the government knew in detail about the coup four months prior. The people took to the streets against the coup without knowing what was happening. Ultimately, it was the country that suffered. Sadly, the truth doesn't seem to matter to most people; everyone is busy blaming others."
He had reacted to same allegations 7 years ago
Dilipak had reacted to similar claims made by the former Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu in his column in Yeniakit, in an article titled "Controlled Coup" on April 6, 2017:
"Kılıçdaroğlu seems to have run out of things to say, so he's resorting to repeating Gülen's claims... Remember how the Gülenists were trying to dilute the coup attempt by calling it a 'theater,' 'plot,' 'scenario'? Well, now Kılıçdaroğlu comes out saying 'controlled coup.' Someone has now put the chewed-up gum that Gülen had discarded in Kılıçdaroğlu's mouth..." he had written.
The Gülen movement or Fethullah Gülen movement, referred to by its participants as Hizmet (service) or Cemaat (community) is since 2016 referred to as FETÖ (Fethullahist Terrorist Organization) by the Government of Turkey.
The Gülen movement is a former ally of the Turkish Justice and Development Party (AKP). When the AKP came to power in 2002 the two formed a tactical alliance against military tutelage and the Turkish secular elite, despite their differences.
Since May 2016, the Gülen movement has been classified as a terrorist organization by Turkey under the assigned name Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ). After the failed coup attempt in 2016, the government of Turkey blamed the group for the coup and authorities have arrested thousands of soldiers and judges. Over ten thousand education staff were suspended and the licenses of over 20,000 teachers working at private institutions were revoked for stated affiliation to Gülen. Fethullah Gülen condemned the coup and denied any involvement. (Source: Wikipedia)