Detention Warrant Issued Again for HDP’s Bilgen

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Diyarbakır 6th Heavy Penal Court has issued a detention warrant again for Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Spokesperson and Kars MP Ayhan Bilgen, who was released on September 9 upon the objection to his release.
Bilgen was arrested as part of the investigation carried out by the Diyarnakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office concerning HDP’s call to take it to the street ahead of the October 6-8 Kobanê events. B
The court ruled detention warrant be issued on the ground that there were solid evidence showing that the defendant committed the crimes he was charged with.
"I couldn’t have remained indifferent to what ISIS did to Kurds in Kobanê”
Bilgen briefly said in this Twitter account:
“I was arrested by those who were arrested following the July 15 [coup attempt] on the ground that I was a member of Tevhid Selam organization through wiretappings between 2011-14.
“The judge, prosecutor and police officers were arrested since the wiretappings were illegal but their ideas are in power.
“Two more books are ready to be published. I will continue to write inside what I have been defending outside. I couldn’t have remained indifferent to what ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) did to Kurds in Kobanê”.
9 HDP MPs are behind bars
The imprisoned HDP MPs are as follows:
* Selahattin Demirtaş - HDP co-Chair
* Figen Yüksekdağ – Former HDP co-Chair (She was relieved of her MP duties on February 21, 2017)
* İdris Baluken - Diyarbakır MP
* Selma Irmak - Hakkari MP
* Gülser Yıldırım - Mardin MP
* Ferhat Encü - Şırnak MP
* Abdullah Zeydan - Hakkari MP
* Çağlar Demirel - Diyarbakır MP
* Burcu Çelik - Muş MP (NV/TK)