Deputy Complains to ECHR Over “Drudgery”

HDP deputy Hasip Kaplan released a statement, saying that he submitted a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), saying that the unstopped parliamentary schedule between February 17 and 27 for the legislation of Turkey’s new homeland security act was “drudgery”.
Kaplan said he also attached to the application the photos of brawls, naps and those who were injured during the sessions.
“I don’t take personal pleasure from doing this, but we are not the hostages of the dictation of the majority,” Kaplan said.
Hasip Kaplan also added that he also submitted an individual application to Turkey’s Constitutional Court as well, demanding 1 cent for damages.
Hasip Kaplan wrote to ECHR that the elongated session violated the European Declaration of Human Rights Article 4 Paragraph 2. In addition to that, he also cited regulations from International Labor Organization’s (ILO) and other international organizations.
Some of the highlights from Kaplan’s letters are as follows:
“Between February 17 and 27, non-stop working for 24 hours is drudgery according to Turkish Constitution Article 18.
“Despite our demands and actions, this drudgery resumed in the Parliament.
“We are taking our democratic opposition to delay this act to a higher level. We are going to rock this Parliament. We are going to block the agenda by general meeting and motion of censures. They are either going to take this act back or we will give them a very hard time.” (YY/BM)
* Click to view Kaplan’s application to the Constitutional Court and ECHR.
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.