Demonstration in front of Zorlu Center: 'Cut all ties with Israel'

Leftist, socialist political parties, and democratic mass organizations in the Campaign to End the Occupation in Palestine protested Zorlu Holding, identified as the "largest Turkish capital group in Israel" in İstanbul.
During the demonstration at Zorlu Center in Beşiktaş, activists unfurled a banner that read, "Cut all ties with Israel - End the occupation in Palestine."
The demonstrators expressed their opposition carrying placards with messages such as "Zorlu, provide electricity to Gaza, not to the occupation," "Withdraw your investment from the occupation," and "Do not be complicit in the massacre of the Palestinian people." .
Throughout the demonstration, chants echoed with slogans such as "Freedom to Palestine, boycott Israel," "Israel, the murderer; Zorlu, the collaborator," and "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."
In a statement read on behalf of the Campaign to End the Occupation in Palestine, it was highlighted that Israel has been conducting an 'ethnic cleansing operation' against Palestinians for 75 years. The statement emphasized, "One of the bloodiest chapters of this operation is currently being written on the bodies of the Palestinian people in Gaza."
"States and companies are accomplices in this genocide"
The statement indicated that Israel commits 'new war crimes' every day, and it stated, "States and companies that maintain diplomatic, military, and commercial relations with the occupation regime despite war crimes are accomplices in this genocide."
The statement pointed out that Zorlu Holding has three different power plant projects established directly or in partnership in Israel. It emphasized that the electricity generated by these plants is used in official Israeli institutions and industrial facilities. Additionally, the statement accused Zorlu Holding of presenting projects to the occupation state to plunder and sell natural gas resources belonging to the Palestinian people. "With over a decade of activities in the occupied territories, Zorlu Holding, by providing economic and logistical support to the Israeli state, is unequivocally siding with the Israeli state in the ongoing war against the Palestinians," it said.
"We are here to make Zorlu Holding aware of Palestine struggle"
The statement highlighted that Zorlu Holding is identified as the "largest Turkish capital group in Israel" and stated, "As those who stand by the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian people, we are here to make Zorlu Holding aware of the freedom struggle of the Palestinian people. You have a share in the bloodshed of the Palestinians. Cease growing your wealth through the genocide of a people."
The Campaign to End the Occupation in Palestine, which calls for a military, political, and commercial boycott against Israel, concluded its statement with the following:
"Until Zorlu Holding ceases collaboration with the Israeli occupation state and withdraws all its investments, we call on everyone to boycott companies affiliated with Zorlu Holding. We also invite all artists and cultural workers who want to voice their support for the struggle of the Palestinian people to refrain from performing on the stages of the Zorlu Performing Arts Center."

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