Democratic Women Launch Campaign To Prevent Violence Against Women
Democratic Free Women’s Movement held a press release for the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women at the Eminönü Square.
The press release was read by Beritan Doğan and Sabahat Tuncel, Istanbul deputy for the Democratic Society Party (DTP), was at the activity as well.
Doğan announced the campaign that they had planned to have between November 25, 2008 and November 25, 2009 to prevent the violence against women.
They plan to have various meetings to help those women who get killed because of violence they are subject to, ad increase the solidarity with them.
Doğan said as women they are against militarism, state violence, family violence, honor killings, harassment, rape, incest, gender issues, exploitation, discrimination against sexual identities, forced marriages, secondary wives in polygamous households and physical, sexual, economic and any kind of violence.
“End violence against women in the universities as well”
Another press release, this time by university students, was held at the Uludağ University Young Women Society for the November 25 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
The press release emphasized that the universities were not immune from violence against women, that one out of every three women experienced violence and one out of every six male university graduates resorted to violence in his relationship.
The Young Women Society also pointed out to the sexist attitudes of the faculty members, the sexist elements in the content and discourse of the school books and the problems the female students experience in the dormitories and the dining halls. (EZÖ/TB)