Democratic Union Party Discusses Turkey’s Red Lines

Co-Chairmanship of Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria made a written statement and stressed that Turkey should give up threatening and intervening in Syria.
PYD stated that they didn’t want to found an independent state and they obeyed universal laws.
National Security Council (MGK) of Turkey decided PYD’s military operation to Jarabulus (a Syrian city, located in west side of Euphrates River) as “violation of a red line” and Turkish army could be mobilized without orders.
“We function as an example of resolution”
According to the news of Channel IMC of Turkey, PYD stated:
“After Turkey’s government officials threatened us, Turkish troops were massed along the Syrian border. We’d like to inform our nation and world public opinion.
“We always obey the universal laws as being a political part of Democratic Autonomy Government. We respect borders between states and neighborhoods and we behave according to the universal agreements.
“We don’t aim to found an independent state. The President of Turkey doesn’t speak truly. The right thing is to improve Democratic Autonomy Government and we function as an example of resolution in Syrian war. Democratic Autonomy Government is a system which includes all nations, religions and beliefs. These are our domestic affairs. Neighboring countries don’t have the right to meddle in our domestic affairs.
“Turkey and Syria have mutual war partners”
“As being PYD and Democratic Autonomy Government, we’d like to state: we don’t aim to meddle in our neighboring countries’ internal affairs. We believe that intervening in Syria means opposing United Nations’ agreements and unsettling neighborhood.
“We fight against terrorism in accordance with international treaties and universal laws. Turkey and Syria have some mutual war partners. If Turkey attacks in Rojava (a de facto autonomous region in northern and north-eastern Syria) to People’s Protection Units (YPG), it will serve as a help to terrorist forces.
“Intervention complicates things”
“Military operation in Rojava will greatly affect both region and states near it and the intervention will complicate things in Syria and Middle East politically and break down international security. We hope that Turkey, NATO states, the U.S.A. and France don’t allow Turkey to intervene in Rojava and in a specific part of Syria.
“YPG forces and its allies defended Rojava against dictatorship and terrorists and paid a price. We are ready now for any attack.
“We demand a democratic system for a united Syria and its peoples. We want pleasant relations with our neighbors. We are against terrorism. We call for Turkish officials to give up provocative policy.”
Turkey’s red lines
According to the news of Turkish Milliyet Daily Newspaper, National Security Council (MGK) of Turkey decided PYD’s military operation to Jarabulus as “violation of a red line” and Turkish army could be mobilized without orders. Military operation in Northern Idlib (a city in northwestern Syria) and making hundreds of thousands to migrate will be called “violation of a red line”. In these circumstances, Turkish army can be mobilized without orders. (EKN/BD)
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