Democratic Society Party Elects Ahmet Türk As President
The Democratic Society Party’s (DTP) 2nd Ordinary Congress elected Mardin deputy Ahmet Türk as its president.
The other candidate, Mahmut Alınak, withdraw from the elections.
Ahmet Türk said the following according to
“You may shut down out party. You may even arrest us, put us in jail, but the fact is that you will never be able to silence Kurds. The Kurdish people have paid every price for its dignity and free future and it will continue doing so. Instead of closing parties and limiting the political space, start a dialog with Kurds and open the doors of that you shut to DTP’s face. Let us stop using weapons as tools of seeking rights. Let us create a democratic and peaceful political space. This will, first of all, help Turkey grow more and open new doors for it.”
Kurds demand the right to speak in their mother tongue and the model of democratic autonomy
Türk said that he sees Ankara as the address of the solution and the Parliament as the center of the solution.
“Kurds demand recognition of their identity, to be able to use their mother tongue both in public space and in education, and the model of democratic autonomy that will develop decentralization.”
Türk mentioned the subject of roof party
Türk said the following about a roof party:
“Legal arrangements that will open the way to return to the social and political life will be an important step in laying down arms. Look, there are calls coming from İmralı [where Abdullah Öcalan, leader of PKK, is serving his life sentence] in this effect. Mr. Öcalan says, “Take different identities and cultures under constitutional assurance, the arms will be laid down in one month. This is a very important call. Nobody can close his/her ears to this call. Answering this hand of peace with aggravated isolation policies is a provocation and deepens the deadlock. These practices must be discontinued immediately.”
“One should pay attention to social sensitivity. We will take the approach and attitude in this area as the indicator of willingness to solve the Kurdish problem. This country needs a new soul, a new political understanding. Turkey’s workers, the exploited, need a roof party that will help those who demand to get together, with their different cultures, for freedom. We said before that we will support such a roof party that will help Turkey’s democratization, normalization.”
DTP’s Mardin deputy Emine Ayna argued as well that “Turkey needs to discontinue its single nation, single language and single nationality approach in order to reach full democratization.”
Ayna said, “It is not realistic to assume the PKK does not exist while discussing the Kurdish problem. She asked for a large-scale social amnesty. (NZ/TB)