Democracy Depends on Armys Influence!
Gerger, who answered Bianet's questions, said Turkey could not become democratized before its militarist structure changed.
According to Gerger, criticizing the EU for admitting Cyprus before reunification on the island carried the aim of hiding the realities.
How realistic do you think is the article on the EU Accession Document, which says, "the MGK's structure should change to maintain civilian control over military issues?"
Diminishing the influence of the MGK means changing the structure of the regime in Turkey. Turkey is being ruled by a circle dominated by militarism, and where the most important political power is the General Staff, army and thus the MGK.
This demand by the EU seems simple. But it is not realistic because it means changing the whole structure in Turkey. This change could only be possible through a huge democratic social transformation within the country.
Why does the EU want such a transformation from Turkey?
Actually, the EU is trying to create some trouble. Turkey cannot become an EU member with its current structure. But the EU does not want to break up relations with Turkey either, especially because Turkey takes on military roles in Caucasus, Balkans and the Middle East, and defends Western interests. Western Europe does not want Turkey to only benefit the U.S.
Would the EU's push toward democratization in Turkey decrease the military's influence on politics?
If you are a militarist country, your democratic institutions do not develop enough, your democracy becomes disabled, human rights are not respected, and human rights violations, such as torture, take place. But to get rid of these, the democracy has to improve and militarism has to decrease. The two are connected.
It is impossible for Turkey to respect human rights when the military and the MGK are so powerful.
If the head of the General Staff walks in front of the ministers, if it is not a part of the National Defense Ministry, you cannot take sweeping steps toward democratization and in human rights.
How will Cyprus' EU membership affect Turkey's EU bid?
Cyprus is a strategic issue between Turkey and the EU. According to EU laws, Turkey is an occupying force in Cyprus. The symbolic acts toward the EU are not changing the realities. Such actions are aimed at deluding the people and hiding the realities.
Turkey says it does not recognize the basic elements of a block it wants to join. But Cyprus will be one the EU countries it will have to negotiate with.
The civilians are not able to voice the realities because they are intimidated by the military. They have no intention to do so anyway because they are chauvinistic and nationalist. The same nationalism is exhibited in the Kurdish issue too. (OG/EA/NM)
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