Demirtaş: Volition for Resolution Must Immediately Revive

Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş making statements regarding the allegations that the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) might take decision of non-conflict on Octover 11, said "Hopefully some developments will occur in the coming days."
Demirtaş early on today came together with İstanbul Fresh Fruits Vegetables Truck Garden Brokers and Merchants Association (İSMEYDER) President Nevzat Dayan and All Truck Garden Vegetable and Fruit Brokers (TÜMESKOM) President Burhan Er, and heard problems of marketplace tradesmen.
"At least the clashes must stop"
Responding to the question by journalists "There were some news on press claiming that a truce will be declared on September 11. Do you have any information on whether these are true?" Demirtaş said,
"The biggest problem, our common issue is issue of peace. There cannot be commerce where there is no peace.
"We have used every means available of our party to end clashes. Hopefully we will achieve some results. We don't have solid information or data but the stage to where we took our studies requires us to be optimistic. No one should give up on peace.
"We cannot act like nothing happened while this many people lose their lives."
"It will be good for everyone if returned to the process"
In response to the question "The president had statements as to putting the process on the shelf. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu had some statements claiming HDP has pursued terror policy. How do you interpret these?" Demirtaş said:
"Isn't the process in the cold storage? They express all these themselves. Any moment that search for Resolution is absent risks of more deaths....Thus, volition for resolution must revive.
We haven't heard a single statement about why the process was terminated, therefore if it is returned to the process and dialogue channels are re-opened, Turkey and everyone in the country will benefit."
Celal Başlangıç wrote
Journalist Celal Başlangıç in his column at T24 wrote that PKK will declare its decision on non-conflict:
"PKK is at the stage of declaring to enter a unilateral 'period of non-conflict' and switch to defense only mode. This decision, as far as I've been informed, will be announced on October 11, 2015 and will be in effect until the end of elections, November 1."
Başlangıç pointed the article as an example written by Group of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK) Co-Chair Beşe Hozat that was published in Özgür Nündem newspaper on October 7 and Fırat News Agency's website:
"Liberty Movement in order to further contribute HDP's huge victory by again taking a historical stance will frustrate AKP's all dirty plans and call it to account for."
HDP İzmir Deputy Ertuğrul Kürkçü said "After Hozat's statement, PKK to announce a 'unilateral state of non-conflict' fits my logic and expectations too. Kürkçü in his statement to Reuters said, "In many ways PKK taking such decision will be positive." (AS/TK)
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