Demirtaş: Peace is not Dream, We've Seen It is Possible

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş speaking at Newroz in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakır, stated that "Let us all together form conditions of perpetual peace and negotiations without forgetting the feeling that embraced people in the last three Newroz".
We are sticking with Dolmabahçe Agreement
Headlines from Demirtaş’s speech are as follows:
We made these celebrations for three years by heralding how beautiful the road to peace is to all Middle Eastern peoples. Peace is not a dream. We’ve seen that should we lock around principles of equality, peace is possible.
We are sticking with the road you voiced in Dolmabaçe Agreement. War, conflict is not natural. What you call negotiation is to find a common point by putting forward solutions to conflict.
AKP is not unifier
Peace processes cannot be conducted by denying Kurdish people and threaten them over it. In order to seek peace and voice peace stronger, booms need to stop. We are with all of our friends ready to resume negotiations and take initiative to found a new peace language. This requires courage. It has to be seen that Justice and Development Party (AKP) is not a unifier party.
Today Kurds resist against war, not to deepen it.
Self-governance is a line built against centralism, authority of one lead
Everyone here show the way to solution. You can’t solve anything by getting scared, or scaring. We’ve always gone after fair solutions throughout our political history. We’ve never become hostile but stood firmly against those being hostile to us.
We have to show how everyone will live without denying cultures of peoples. Self-governance models are a line built against centralism, authority of single language and one leader, sovereignty of one nation. Growing HDP is growing solution.
You tried to scare, seize, suppress but didn’t work out. Don’t further insist. Come, let us present peace to peoples. Let us all together form conditions of perpetual peace and negotiations without forgetting the feeling that embraced people in the last three Newroz. (NV/TK)