Demirtaş: I’ll not Be Candidate for Co-Chair

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Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş has announced via a letter he sent from Edirne Type F High Security Closed Prison that he won’t be a candidate for Co-Chair at the 3rd Ordinary Assembly to be held on February 11.
HDP MP İdris Baluken, who was sentenced to 16 years and 8 months in prison, and HDP Co-Chair Serpil Kemalbay read out Demirtaş’s letter.
“I am facing with revenge motive”
Demirtaş’s message concerning HDP 3rd Ordinary Assembly is:
“Dear friends, respectable party member, precious public of the country:
“First of all, I am sending my regards and love to you each from Edirne Prison. I have been illegally held political hostage for over a year with thousands of my friends. I haven’t appeared before judge not even in a single lawsuit brought against me. I’m facing with a political revenge motive”.
“We’ve struggled to coexist peacefully”
“I want you all to know that I, my friends and my party have all believed in democratic politics by heart. We’ve struggled for the Republic to democratize in Turkey; values of peace, justice, equality and freedom to come to life; exploitation of oppressed laborers, women and young people to end; Kurds, Turks, Sunnis, Alawis to coexist peacefully, and we will continue to struggle for that”.
In order to keep going with a fresh excitement, I want it to be known that I am not going to be a candidate for Co-Chair. (PT/TK)