DEM condemns 'unlawful' attempts to oust elected mayor in Van

The Peoples' Equality and Democracy (DEM) Party has said that there were "unlawful attempts" targeting the winning candidate in Van's elections.
Two days before the election (March 29), the Ministry of Justice objected to the reinstatement of suspended rights of Abdullah Zeydan, the elected Co-Mayor of Van Metropolitan Municipality, and the court complied with this application, said DEM. The summary of the DEM Party's statement is as follows:
"Our party has left Van with an unprecedented victory in history in the local elections of March 31, 2024. While the people have sent such a clear message, new unlawful attempts are being made in Van. As known, our Co-Mayor of Van Metropolitan Municipality, Abdullah Zeydan, completed all legal procedures and applied to the Supreme Election Board (YSK), and his candidacy was accepted by the YSK after examinations. Zeydan was elected in Van with the overwhelming support of the majority of the people.
According to unofficial results, Abdullah Zeydan received 245,573 votes in Van, while the AKP candidate, Abdulahat Arvas, received 120,147 votes.
"Reconsider the wrongful decision"
"However, on Friday, March 29, 2024, five minutes before the end of the working hours and two days before the election, the Ministry of Justice objected to the suspended rights of Zeydan, who had been deprived of his rights in 2022 and had passed all legal inspections, through an administrative decision and letter.
"Following this administrative objection letter, the authorized prosecutor re-applied to the court that had issued the final decision on the suspended rights. On the same day, the court revoked the final decision on the suspended rights and rejected the request for the return of the suspended rights. Without waiting for the decision to become final, i.e., before the right to object and appeal was exercised, an immediate notification was made to the YSK.
"The same court, which had decided to restore the suspended rights of our Co-Mayor Abdullah Zeydan, violated its own decision and eliminated the legal security. This attempt is the product of an understanding that disregards the will of the people. Abdullah Zeydan is the Co-Mayor of Van elected by the people. We invite everyone to respect this reality. This wrongful decision must be reversed immediately." (TY/VK)