Decent Work for Domestic Workers

The Women's Solidarity Association for Collective Work launched a signature campaign related to Convention No.189 of the International Labour Office (ILO) entitled "Decent Work for Domestic Workers". The campaign aims at the governmental approval of the convention and on enacting corresponding amendments in domestic law in line with the convention.
The signature campaign was initiated via the website of the association and includes the following demands:
* Home services should be covered by the labour law.
* A realistic and feasible legislation should be designed to include all home workers (day-workers and salaried employees) under the umbrella of social security.
* Precautionary measures must be taken at the work places of domestic workers to prevent occupational accidents and diseases. Health and safety risks for workers should be eliminated.
* Slavery conditions of illegally working immigrants and domestic workers must be stopped. Working conditions should be improved and entry to and exit from the country should be facilitated.
* "Housewives" working at home without a salary do not possess any social and security right. The value of the labour of housewives has to be accepted and they should obtain social security and pension rights independent of their husbands and fathers.
* Security premiums for women working in the field of home services like day-workers, caregivers or cooks should be covered by the general budget for the duration of five years.
* The possibility to borrow money when giving birth should be recognized for women without insurance.
The women also demand to implement policies that enable a change of a sexist structure of domestic work and that provide gender equality. (ÇT/VK)