Death of 815 Children could have been Prevented

At least 815 children died in 2011 in Turkey caused by reasons that could have been prevented.
The children's rights organization Agenda: Child! Children Rights Centre released a report about violations of the right to life of children in Turkey. It revealed that these violations remain unpunished in many cases. The report is based on data published by human rights organizations in Turkey and also took into consideration news published in the press and internet.
The report comprises 815 cases of violations of the right to life related to children stemming from the information accessible by the organization. The estimated number of unreported case was higher than that, the report underlined.
It was also emphasized at the presentation of the report that violations of the right to life of children remained unpunished in many cases. Related investigations often failed to be carried out exhaustively and dissuasively. In many cases the perpetrators were not revealed and prosecuted, it was said.
50 violations of the right to life done by the state
The report revealed 50 violations of the right to life done by the state. These cases happened in the following contexts: three rights violations were experienced during social events; two were related to land mines and military ammunition; the right to life was violated four times in the course of armed conflicts; 21 children died as the result of extrajudicial killings. 20 children died due to negligence of public officials: 15 children while they were in health care and five children during educational service.
Lack of precautions
The report pointed out 763 cases where the right to life was violated because the state had failed to take according measures.
24 children died as the result of domestic violence; nine due to peer violence and 25 children died in child murders, it was claimed in the report. Personal armament causes the death of 20 children; twelve children committed suicide.
673 cases were registered regarding "violations of the right to life as the result of negligence". This category included incidents that occurred in open rural and urban areas such as traffic accidents, accidents at home, fire, gas poisoning, food poisoning, electrical shocks, disasters and drowning in sewage pits, wells, lakes or rivers.
The children rights organization reminded the fact that the right to life is the prerequisite for the realization of basic rights. It underscored that the common violations of the right to life of children were closely related to rights violations experienced in many other areas. The organization urged for a necessary holistic approach of child policies. Otherwise, a protection of the right to life of children was impossible, the organization stressed. (YY/VK)