Death in a Transphobic Attack in Istanbul
The death of trans woman Seda has caused LGBT organisations to protest in a press statement: “We have seen this game before! We will not stand by and watch!”
Five days ago, trans woman Seda was found in the environs of the Meis gated community in Avcilar, western Istanbul. She had been beaten and was taken to a state hospital; however, she died on Friday, 10 March.
The Hebun Diyarbakır LGBTT Association, the Women’s Door (Kadın Kapısı), the Kaos GL Assocation, the Lambdaistanbul Association, the Istanbul LGBTT Association, the Pink Life (Pembe Hayat) LGBTT Association, the Black Pink Triangle (Siyah Pembe Üçgen) Association and SPoD LGBT signed a press statement in which they said:
“The police interprets shouts of hatred as ‘free speech’; then they ignore the fact that prostitution is not a crime and takes the trans individuals who live in the Meis compound into custody, fine them and seal their homes. This has turned the trans women in Avcilar into public targets.”
“The transphobic attacks in the Meis compound have started taking lives. The cries of ‘We don’t want transvestites in Avcilar’ have taken the life of a trans woman.”
“Trans murders are political murders. We know who the murderers are! Not only those who hold the guns and the knives. The system that forces trans individuals to live without basic rights and freedoms is the murderer. And all the authorities and people who do not make any efforts to solve these problems and remain silent in the face of these murders are also murderers!” (ÇT/AG/KU)