Davutoğlu on Cerattepe: Mining Activities to be Halted until Judicial Process Completed

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Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has hosted the delegation at Çankaya Mansion struggling against copper mine planned to be built in Artvin’s Cerattepe and exposed to attack of security forces.
State-run Anadolu Agency has reported that halting the activities of the mining company has been decided in the 2-hour-long meeting held closed to the press.
Davutoğlu: Mine gallery will be closed, few trees will be chopped
PM Davutoğlu in his speech in Konya where he went following the meeting stating the activities of the mining company will be stopped until judicial process is completed, has spoken as follows:
“Protecting mountains, hills is an essential duty for us. Making use of underground sources is also our essential duty. We will protect air, water, soil of this country. We will present natural sources for contribution to the economy.
“We are open to all sorts of well-intended meeting. Our Minister of Energy, Minister of Environment, Minister of Agriculture and Husbandry have stayed with them. We tackled all subjects transparently. I’ve given them assurance on behalf of our government.
“The mining company will halt its activities until judicial process is completed. In the same manner, some abuses will be prevented by avoiding unauthorized demonstrations. We will not let this matter be abused.
“The mine gallery will be closed. The mine extracted from the gallery will be carried and processed. The mine will be carried by telpher and the [number of] trees to be chopped down will be kept at minimum and compensation will be made.
“If someone still opposes despite the measures we have taken, it is not possible to look with favor on that. Public order will definitely be protected if some wrongdoings occur”.
Green Artvin Association Nur Neşe Karahan and Secretary General, lawyer Bedrettin Kalın, Justice and Development Party (AKP) Artvin Mayor Mehmet Kocatepe, Minister of Forestry and Water Affairs Veysel Eroğlu, Minister of Environment and Urbanism Fatma Güldemet Sarı, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Husbandry Faruk Çelik as well attended the meeting.
Çelik had stood against the mine as AKP Bursa MP in 2002 saying, “It is highly likely that some consequence might emerge destroying Artvin because of mining activities”.
Eroğlu: We will not take a step back
Eroğlu answered the questions of journalists in Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) as to the matter. “The mining is being built in entirely a protective logic. We first check whether certificate and positive ÇED (Environment Impact Assessment) report obtained. The allegation that mine harms the nature is a lie. We will not take a step back”.
Struggle of 20 years
Cerattepe is one of the most important 41 sites in Turkey, all of Artvin’s drinking water come from Cerattepe. There is Hatina National Park next to it, and Kafkasör Tourism Conservation and Development area under it. The area hosts 2,000 plant forms, 124 endemic forms, hundreds of animal forms.
First drilling works were launched in the area in 1987, people reacted against opening of the first gallery, and Green Artvin Association was found in 1995.
Ministry of Environment and Urbanization expressed a positive opinion to ÇED’s second report in 2013.
Rize Administrative Court overruled ÇED’s positive report in January 2015. However, the company has received another positive report from ÇED despite the ruling. A criminal complaint has been filed with the signature of 750 people and that examination of panel of experts has been awaited in these days. (NV/TK)
* Photo: Hakan Göktepe - Ankara/AA