Darwin Sites Banned - Survival of the Fittest?

Access is being denied to all internet sites related to evolution as the result of the children profile of the internet filtering system implemented by the Council of Information Technology and Communications (BTK). The latest restriction on internet access caused uproar among internet users.
The "Secure Internet" filtering system was applied on 22 November. Its children profile bans the entire number of websites concerned with the theory of evolution and British naturalist Charles Darwin. This comprises all sites that contain the words "evolution" or "Darwin".
Also sites like, and ('understanding evolution') are included.
No evolution but creation
While sites related to the evolutionary theory are being "filtered", websites about the theory of creation such as ('creation') or the anti-evolution site ('evolution deceit') can be accessed easily.
Internet users can check which sites are forbidden on the internet site ('secure net') that is connected to the BTK. However, the site allows checking for a maximum of ten websites. After that, a message pops up reading "The number of queries is too high"
Academic and blogger A. Murat Eren commented the news on Twitter. According to Eren, the ban could be lifted if internet users voted against the ban on the site the "prohibition" message comes up. That way, the "filtered" site could be removed from the category of forbidden sites, he explained. (IC/VK)