Daily Evrensel to Submit Defense Statement for Reporting Opposition MP's Remarks

Communications Director Fahrettin Altun (l) and MP Özgür Özel
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Evrensel newspaper will submit a defense statement o the Press Advertising Agency (BİK) for reporting an opposition MP's remarks on Presidency's Communications Director's small buildings, which were demolished by the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
Evrensel on April 16 published main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) MP Özgür Özel'e remarks in a report titled, "Reaction from Özel to Altun over Unpermitted Construction." Özel criticized Altun for doing construction in a land owned by a foundation, according to the report.
After a complaint was filed against the newspaper on April 28, the BİK requested a defense statement from Evrensel as per paragraphs (c), (h), and (ı) of Article 1 of the Press Ethics Principles.
"The intention is to take press organzations under control"
"It is unacceptable that the government, which is not pleased with Evrensel's journalism, is trying to take advantage of this situation," Özel said today (May 14). The intention was to take press organizations under control by "pressure and punishment," he asserted.
"Those who try to intimidate opposition lawmakers with investigation reports and opposition municipalities with trustees intend to make press organizations inoperative with advertising pressures," he said.
"We once again declare that we will be in solidarity with Evrense newspaper," he further said.
In mid-April, reports revealed that the İstanbul Municipality demolished small buildings owned by Fahrettin Altun, the Communications Director, in a Bosphorus view estate he previously rented. A terror investigation was opened against journalists from Cumhuriyet over a report on the incident. Also, the CHP's Üsküdar District Chair Suat Özçağdaş and İstanbul Provincial Chair Canan Kaftancıoğlu are under investigation for taking photos of Altun's house.
What do the Press Ethics Principles say? c) No one can be declared guilty unless they are found guilty with a final judicial decision; the presumption of innocence cannot be violated in the news reports or comments regarding the events that are the subject of a criminal investigation or ongoing cases; statements and comments that would affect the natural and legal flow of the investigation and trial, especially decisions of judges, cannot be made. h) No publication contrary to ethics can be made. ı) In publications about persons, institutions and social segments, derogatory words that exceed the limits of criticism cannot be used; insults cannot be made, bad language cannot be used, defamations and unjustified allegations cannot be made. |