Cyber Attack on Birgün Daily Website

The website of the Istanbul-based left-wing Birgün newspaper,, was deliberately flooded with hits on Monday (16 May). In a statement made after the cyber attack, site administrators said that access to the daily's website has been made almost impossible. became the target of such attacks several times in the past. The latest attack, called the "zombie attack", was carried out by using at least 200 different IP addresses at once.
It was announced that the technical service is still working on determining the source and on preventing further attacks. The administrators apologized to their readers for the inconvenience caused by the incident:
"We encounter this situation only one day after tens of thousands of people took the street [to call] for a free internet. We apologize to our readers for this inconvenience. We kindly inform the public that this attack will not make us take back a single step from our path". (EÖ/VK)