'Cudi, Berken and Yusuf are Learning How to Colour'

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United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has shared the experiences of children who have to continue their early education activities at home due to the pandemic as well as the experiences of their parents in pictures.
Realized as part of its "ECE Programme in Turkey" and with the title of "When Parents Pave the Way to Quality Education for Their Young Children," UNICEF has shared the following experiences:
Stronger together
"In Şırnak, Muhammed, Esra and Culnar participate in an activity which aims to develop their senses and attention; instead of a table they use their backs. Families, including mothers, fathers and other caregivers, play a key role in supporting the learning and development of young children, even more during the COVID-19 crisis.
"For the past few weeks, UNICEF Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs have been delivered through remote methods with the provision of supplementary early learning activities for young children as well as tips for parents and caregivers through mobile phones."
Building bridges between generations
"Cudi, Berken and Yusuf are learning how to colour! Grandmother Hayriye helps her daughter taking care of the children while the whole family is confined at home due to COVID-19. The children and their grandmother are spending quality time together, learning from each other while engaging in Early Childhood Education activities as a family.
"Every day, approximately 4,500 Syrian and Turkish families are receiving 3 activities on early learning through remote facilitation and support from more than 200 trainers ECE facilitators."
Discovering new skills
"In one ECE activity, young Havle is learning how to make sculptures from salt dough at her home in Osmaniye and developing her motor skills, creativity and imagination.
"Families like hers participating in the home-based ECE program are receiving daily activities and guidance by phone from GAP facilitators and then implementing them with their young children safely from home."
About the UNICEF ECE Programme in TurkeyThe "Supporting the Access of Syrian and Turkish Children to Community and Home-Based Early Childhood Education Services Programme" has been running since the year 2016 and it aims to support increased access to early learning by both Turkish and Syrian refugee children who are living in disadvantaged communities and regions. Under the COVID-19 crisis, the primary aim of the ECE distance learning programme is to support parents and other caregivers in creating developmentally appropriate and stimulating home-based learning and playing environments for young children. Parents, both mothers and fathers, are encouraged to create a daily schedule with their children (including mealtimes and snacks, handwashing, learning time, and rest periods), and are given guidance to engage their children in structured activities that can be implemented using simple materials found at home. The programme is implemented by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in partnership with the South Eastern Anatolia Project (GAP) Regional Development Administration and the Development Foundation of Turkey (TKV), with technical support from the Mother Child Education Foundation (AÇEV). To date, the programme has reached almost 50,000 at risk children aged 4 and 5 years in 11 provinces of Southeast Turkey. |