Crown Imperials Are Blooming in Hakkari Province

Crown Imperials, an endangered species, have bloomed in Hakkari province.
Erkan Çapraz, a reporter from Yü, took photos which almost proved why this flower needs to be taken under protection.
Evidence for PKK affiliation
The flower came to be known in Turkey after being showned as a symbol for PKK affiliation by authorities, rather than its beauty.
“We have com to see many photos of female PKK members holding the flower. They have used the flower as a sing of their cause,” an indictment said.
Crying Bride
The endangered Crown Imperial (Fritillaria Imperiaris) is known as “Crying Bride” in Anatolia.
The crown Imperial is grown in Hakkari, Van, Bitlis, Erzurum provinces, its genetic origin being Batman province. They are seen particularly at heights of 1400 – 2500 meters and in certain places.
Most of the species are in Turkey
This 167-species flower is known to be seen mostly around Turkey.
According to the researches, 20 of 43 Crown Imperial species in Turkey are endemic (only those grown in certain places).
Picking is forbidden
In 2013, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs launched a campaign to protect Crown Imperials grown in the mountains of Sason district of Batman province.
The reason is that the flower is smuggled to European countries and used in cosmetics and medicine.
Other than the remarkably-beautiful petal, the leafs that contain aromatic oil are also used. Picking of the flower and transporting it has at least a fine of 32,000 Turkish liras.
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.