Criminal Complaint Filed against Akman by RTÜK

On Wednesday, 15 July, the period of office of Zahid Akman, president of the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), ended, but his membership continued.
Akman's name has been implicated in the embezzlement scandal of the "Lighthouse" foundation in Germany, but he has denied all connections and insisted on staying in office.
Criminal complaint
Now Cengiz Özdiker, department head and expert inspector at RTÜK, has filed a criminal complaint against Zahid Akman, accusing him of "faking official documents", "abusing his position", "not obeying laws" and "neglecting his duty of auditing".
Applying to the Ankara Chief Public Prosecution, Özdiker said that a decision made at a RTÜK meeting on 20 April 2006 was written up by Akman in three different versions, and that a document relating to him had been manipulated.
Özdiker further accused Akman of not collecting some RTÜK revenues and thus abusing his position, as well as neglecting his duty of auditing. (EÖ/AG)