Crimial Complaint Against On-going Fires in Dersim

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Dersim merkez ve bağlı ilçe kırsalında, altı bölgede dün sabah saatlerinde başlayan orman yangını devam ediyor. The forest fire in Dersim in eastern Turkey which broke out in six different regions yesterday (August 10) in the morning hours continue.
Stating that the fires broke out due to ammunition used during on-going military operations in the region, President of Tunceli Bar Association Attorney Barış Yıldırım filed a crminal complaint against those who are responsible for the fire outbreaks.
Tunceli Governorate: Fire Images on Social Media don't belong to Dersim
Tunceli Governorate on the other hand made a written statement regarding the issue and stated that the photographs and videos of forest fires shared on social media had nothing to do with Dersim.
The Governorate added that there were heavy clashes in Hozat-Aliboğazı, merkez-Kutuderesi and Munzur Vadisi-Bali Deresi regions and noted that the fire which broke out in Hozat-Aliboğazı region were intervened by Forestry Operation Directorate's fire fighting units but that the units could not intervene in the fires in Merkez- Kutuderesi and Munzur Vadisi- Bali Deresi regions due to on-going military operations. (EKN/DG)