COVID-19 measures in Turkey: ‘Dynamic Supervision Model’

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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Turkey's Ministry of Interior has announced that the "Dynamic Supervision Model" started in Turkey as of today (March 4) within the frame of "controlled normalization" amid the coronavirus outbreak.
As reported by the state-run Anadolu Agency (AA), Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu shared a message on his Twitter account yesterday, announcing that Turkey will shift to a dynamic supervision model in the period of controlled normalization.
Saying that the governor's offices have been sent implementation notices, Süleyman Soylu has explained on Twitter: "We have evaluated the Controlled Normalization Period with our governors, police commissioners, and gendarmerie and coast guard commanders."
Soylu has added that the supervision would be carried out with some 260,000 personnel. "Hopefully, we will move together to complete normalization while complying with hygiene, mask, social distancing and all other rules," Minister Soylu has added further.
'Dynamic Supervision Model'
According to the circular letter sent to 81 governor's offices across Turkey, the related model foresees the following inspections:
"It will be ensured that public institutions and organizations, local authorities and occupational chambers will support the supervision activities to be carried out by law enforcement officers.
"General supervision teams will be formed by governors and sub-governors; the provincial and district teams will be headed by a provincial/district director (director of national education, director of agriculture and forestry, director of youth and sports, director of treasury/revenue, etc.) and consist of law enforcement and other public personnel.
"District and provincial supervision teams will be formed with the teams to be formed by municipalities and special provincial administrations.
"Occupational chambers will carry out weekly supervision in workplaces that are their members.
"The shopkeepers allowed to work with 50 percent capacity will be inspected for at least once a week.
"The restrictions on live music will remain in effect.
"The images taken from the urban security management systems and cameras will also be used in inspections. Sanctions can be imposed if practices violating the measures are identified in camera footage."
'Gradual normalization' as of March 1
On Monday (March 1), Turkey partially eased the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) measures that had been in effect for months. In its controlled normalization, Turkey has restarted in-person education, lifted weekend lockdowns, and allowed restaurant dining and wedding ceremonies in limited numbers and depending on the conditions in individual provinces. (TP/SD)