Council of State Suspends Galataport Project

Council of State’s (Danıştay) Administrative Case Chambers Board suspended the construction plans in the waterfront of Istanbul’s Salıpazarı area - a project publicly known as “Galataport”.
Initially, the case was brought to Council of State 6th Penal Chamber by various professional chambers under the umbrella of Turkey’s Union of Architecture and Engineers Chambers (TMMOB).
The case request dated on September 23, 2013 cited that the planned construction of lodgment facilities, office space and shopping malls would bloat one of city’s most crowded area.
However, the chamber dismissed the request on the same day.
TMMOB constituents released a statement, saying that “other similar projects must also be suspended by taking example of this ruling”.
On August 19, İstanbul Kent Savunması [Urban Defenses of Istanbul] blocked an environment impact meeting [known as ÇED in Turkish], saying that the Galataport project would privatize the area and close it to the public. (NV/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.