Council of State gives a ruling of stay of execution for ‘Green Road’ in Black Sea

* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA)
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The Council of State has ruled for the stay of execution of Green Road project that connects the highlands of eastern Black Sea.
The Fırtına Initiative, one of the several life-defending organizations objecting to the project, has released a statement and announced that "the Plenary Session of Administrative Law Chambers of the Council of State has suspended the execution of development plans of Green Road."
"It has concluded that the roads connecting the eastern Black Sea uplands will destroy the existence of uplands," the Initiative has noted:
"And, on this ground, it has stopped the execution of 1 to 100,000 Scale Environmental Plan decisions taken for the project known as 'green road' or 'green corridor'. With this ruling, the 2,700-meter green road - project in seven provinces from Samsun to Artvin has been completely stopped."
'It came after a 5-year marathon of lawsuits'
The statement of the initiative has underlined that the ruling of the Council of State has come "amid a five-year marathon of lawsuits."
Referring to the Eastern Black Sea Project (DOKAP) and the rulings of other courts in the course of these judicial proceedings, the Initiative has reminded the public that "at this stage, the courts have concluded that the project and the roads constructed as part of the project have seriously damaged the ecology of Kaçkar Mountains and Fırtına Valley."
With this recent ruling of the Council of State, the Initiative has said, "it is the first time that it is so overtly declared by court rulings that the DOKAP's 'Green Road Project' is threatening the existence of highlands, it has no public good and is against the law."
Construction continued amid judicial proceedings
Further in its statement, the Fırtına Initiative has noted that the construction of roads was underway amid ongoing judicial proceedings:
"The Samsun Regional Courts of Administration have also ruled for the cancellation of the roads (between Ayder - Kavrun - Samistal highlands, Hazindağ - Samistal highlands and Huser - Avusor highlands), which have been the subject matter of 'green road lawsuits' ongoing since 2015:
"It is concluded that the ecological structure of Kaçkar Mountains, with their pastures, forests and brooks, are severely destructed and that the region, a natural protected area and national park, is endangered.
"In this process, the construction of roads ongoing without interruptions for five years have torn apart the highlands and mountains, divided pastureland and reduced animal husbandry to the scale of a mere hobby.
"With the zoning amnesty, the highlands have almost been turned into towns: The traditional and authentic architecture is concretized and it is subjected to heavy traffic of vehicles and an influx of people in large groups.
"Roads opened inside the forest have caused great destruction on natural old forests and wildlife. The roads constructed based on Google maps have caused hundreds of rivers and waterways to dry up..."
Call to the authorities
The Initiative has also noted that the DOKAP project is planned for "green road tourism," noting that it "imposes this understanding on the region." Accordingly, the Initiative has warned that "the social and economic future of neither the Fırtına valley nor the Kaçkar Mountains can be abandoned to such an understanding of tourism based on consumption."
Recommending an alternative in that regard, the Initiative has said, "Plans need to be made based on production by prioritizing the opportunities of agriculture, animal husbandry and apiculture of the region.
"An understanding of travel based on science, arts and culture where the history, cultural values and ecological features of Kaçkar Mountains and the valley are promoted and taught is a must for the regions's protection."
Accordingly, the Initiative has made a call to the Ministries and the related authorities to abide by the court rulings, warning that it will be closely following up the implementation of these rulings.
About Green Road Project
As part of the Eastern Black Sea Project (DOKAP) run by the Regional Development Administration, the Green Road Project aims to connect the tourism centers in Samsun, Tokat, Ordu, Giresun, Trabzon, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Rize and Artvin provinces on top elevation.
Sharing the latest situation about the project, DOKAP Chair Yusuf Mengi has said, "In the remaining 1,621-kilometer route, 436 kilometers have been repaired and maintained, 99 kilometers have been covered in concrete, 177 kilometers in stabilized coating, 18 kilometers in durax-cube pavement, 285 kilometers in asphalt." According to this latest statement, 1,016-kilometer road maintenance and the construction of 14 bridges have been completed. (EMK/SD)