Çorum, Yozgat Sugar Factories Sold as Well

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According to a statement by the Directorate of Privatization Administration, final negotiation talks concerning sales of Çorum Sugar Factory and Yozgat Sugar Factory were held at the directorate today (April 9).
Safi Katı Yatık A.Ş. won the tender of Çorum Sugar Factory with 528 million TL (105.6 million Euros).
Yozgat Sugar Factory was sold to Doğuş Yiyecek for 275 million TL. Doğuş had won the tender for Niğde Boron Factory last Friday.
So, four sugar factories have been sold in two tender days.
First Bor and Kırşehir factories were sold
Doğuş Yiyecek ve İçecek Üretim Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş.won tender with 336 million Turkish liras.
Tutgu Gıda Turizm İnşaat İmalat İthalat İhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Şti. won tender initiated for the sugar company in Kırşehir with 330 million Turkish liras. (HK/TK)