Coronavirus Won’t Leave us, Normalization Has to Start, Says Science Board Member

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Pulmonologist Prof. Tevfik Özlü, a member of the Coronavirus Science Board of the Ministry of Health, has made a statement about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the normalization in Turkey.
His statement came ahead of June 1, when a series of wider normalization steps were to be taken, from intercity travel to cafes and restaurants.
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Noting that the normalization process has started in all parts of the world, Prof. Özlü has indicated that people in all age groups need to abide by the rules of hygiene, face masks and social distance.
"This normalization process has begun not only in our country, but all around the world as well. Because this virus does not leave us, it will not leave us. We will live with this virus," Özlü has noted.
Some highlights from his speech are as follows:
'Concerns lead us to take measures'
"The process of normalization has gained pace as of June 1. Everyone is concerned: Will the outbreak be back to the square one? Will our number of cases increase? You are right to have concerns. Concern is something useful because it leads us to take measures.
"We have to normalize, but we definitely need to abide by the rules in doing this. As a matter of fact, what we call the rule is extremely easy. It is so easy that people of all ages can follow it.
'Let us all contribute to recovery process'
"Masks, distance and hygiene... Everyone needs to pay attention to them. It is not enough that only I follow them. We need to observe these measures together so that it can be effective. We will implement them and, if there are those who do not, we will warn them kindly. We will prefer the persons, establishments, institutions, businesses and stores that follow them.
"We will try not to receive goods or services from the businesses, stores and shops that fail to implement them. We will warn their executives. We will score these businesses so that a social sensitivity can form about if they abide by the rules or not and we can all contribute to the process of recovery.
'We will live with the virus'
"The process of normalization has to start. Not only we, but the whole world also has to do it. They are already doing it.
"This process of normalization has not started only in our country, but in all parts of the world as well. Because this virus does not leave us, it will not leave us. Otherwise, we have to stay home for months and years. But, in doing this, we will not give another chance to the virus.
'We will get used to the new normal'
"We will not start the outbreak again. It is possible. Just as we do not abandon using fire because it burns us, but wear gloves or use tongs in holding something hot, we will do everything despite the virus by wearing a mask, keeping social distance and maintaining hygiene.
"On the condition that we abide by these rules, we can return to our normal life in any way. You are right to have concerns, but if these concerns lead you to take measures, then, they will fulfil a beneficial duty. We will all get used to the new normal." (RT/SD)