Continued detention in Amasra mine disaster case where 43 miners lost their lives

The 6th hearing of the trial involving 23 individuals regarding the work-related accident in which 43 miners lost their lives in Amasra, Bartın, was held at the Bartın 1st High Criminal Court.
In last year's April and May hearings of the trial, detained and released defendants had their statements taken between July 4 and 25, and 145 witnesses were heard on October 16-18 and November 15-17.
Investigation permission for former General Director
The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources has granted permission to investigate former TTK General Director Kazım Eroğlu and former Deputy General Director İsmail Güner on charges of "abuse of duty" regarding the explosion.
According to Anadolu Agency's report, following the permission letter, a indictment prepared by the Amasra Public Prosecutor's Office on charges of "abuse of duty" will be submitted to the Bartın Heavy Penal Court. After the court's examination, a decision will be made on whether the indictment will be added to the ongoing trial file.
"We couldn't do anything because of the flames and smoke"
Thirteen witnesses were heard in yesterday's hearing (February 13).
TTK Occupational Safety Branch Manager Burhan Arık explained that they inspect the institution every two months and receive rescue training every six months.
Arık stated that they participated in search and rescue operations after the explosion, saying, "We descended to minus 350 elevation. We saw open flames, tried to intervene from the opposite side, but we couldn't do anything because of the flames and smoke."
Rescue team leader Yapıcı stated that the carbon monoxide levels in the mine were very high and they encountered flames in their rescue efforts. He said, "We rescued a few of our friends injured, but we couldn't go further because of the flames. There was a big red flame."
Witness Mustafa Demirbaş, who worked as a blaster in Amasra and was present in the mine at the time of the explosion, stated that after placing the dynamite, he handed over the responsibility of detonating the explosives to his colleague in charge of blasting and left the area.
Approximately half an hour later, while he was at minus 285 elevation, Demirbaş described hearing a loud explosion and feeling pressure, saying, "I could cover the 300-meter distance, which I normally cover in 3-4 minutes, in 20 minutes. The explosion sound was very loud and lasted about 30 seconds. The pressure pushed me forward, dust rose, and I couldn't see ahead. We quickly reached the bottom of the shaft and looked for the central monitoring station from there. We were told that no readings could be obtained from the sensors and that we needed to urgently evacuate, so we did."
"Deliberate neglect" expressions in inspection board report
Plaintiff attorney Derviş Emre Aydın addressed the court after the witness testimonies, and reminded that the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources had granted permission to investigate Kazım Eroğlu and İsmail Güner on charges of "abuse of duty" and drew attention to deliberate neglect expressions in the inspection board report, stating that the ventilation system was inadequate, the explosion occurred at several points, the water barrier and dust control measures were insufficient, and no aspirator was provided.
The defendants stated that they are repeating their previous statements, the detained defendants requested their release.
The defense lawyers also stated that they do not agree with the continuation of detention and requested the release of their clients.
Team of experts to inspect if the dams could be opened
In its interim decision, the court panel deciding to continue the detention of the defendants stated that a team of experts, including two professors, has been formed for on-site inspection, as there is an opinion that the high gas values in the area of the explosion could have decreased if the dams were opened.
The court panel stated that a preliminary report has been requested regarding whether the dams could have been opened.
The panel also stated that after the Ministry granted permission to investigate Eroğlu and Güner, and actions will be taken according to whether the indictmentto be prepared will be added to the ongoing trial file. (AS/PE)