Constitutional Court, Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors, Supreme Court of Appeal, State Council Members Taken into Custody

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Within the investigation run upon the coup attempt, Constitutional Court (AYM) members Alparslan Altan and Erdal Tercan have been taken into custody.
In addition, 2,745 members of Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK) have also been taken into custody and custody order has been issued for 140 members of Supreme Court of Appeal as well as 48 members of State Council.
General Assembly of HSYK has decided to cancel the membership of 5 HSYK members on grounds of the custody order.
Within the investigation launched by Ankara Chief Prosecution into the coup attempt, the 10 State of Council members against whom a custody order has been issued, have each been summoned by their names to come outside by police arriving at the service building. (NV/DG)
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