Constitutional Court Rules for Annulment of 2 Statutory Decrees Enacted as Laws

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The Constitutional Court has announced its judgement as to the requests for annulling some articles of five Statutory Decrees that were issued during the State of Emergency and were later enacted as laws.
Accordingly, the General Assembly of the Constitutional Court has concluded that the following two regulations introduced as part of these Statutory Decrees have violated the Constitution:
"If considered objectionable in terms of security, the Ministry of Interior has the authority to cancel the passports of the ones whose wives' or husbands' passports are previously cancelled" and "The students previously registered in closed educational institutions have to continue making the necessary payments at the private or foundation universities where they are placed by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) till their graduation."
With the above regulations annulled by the General Assembly of the Constitutional Court, the ones whose passports have been cancelled due to their partners can have their passports again.
CHP appealed to the Constitutional Court
It was the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) which appealed to the Constitutional Court, requesting the annulment and stay of execution of certain articles of the Statutory Decrees no. 6749, 6756, 6757, 7070 and 7074, which have been amended and enacted as laws.
Announcing its judgement yesterday (July 25), the Court has ruled for the annulment of the above two regulations requested to be annulled.
However, the Constitutional Court has rejected the annulment of several regulations introduced by these five Statutory Decrees, including the 30-day detention period, the wiretapping of meetings between inmates and attorneys with technical devices and time limitation imposed on these meetings and the closure of military schools. (TP/SD)