Constitutional Court Rapporteur Cannot Teach Any Longer
Constitutional Court Rapporteur Osman Can, who had submitted a report against closing the Justice and Development Party (AKP), has been terminated from his job at Çankaya University.
Associate Professor Dr. Osman Can was giving lectures at Çankaya University as a contracted member of the faculty. He was warned twice by the university administration about urging, in his writings, for the removal of article 301 and the recognition of the conscientious opposition as a right.
“I learned I was not going to teach only twenty days ago”
According to NTV, Osman Can, who was the rapporteur of the case for allowing wearing headscarves in the universities, had opposed closing of the AKP and insisted that the headscarf regulation should be taken into consideration within the context of freedoms.
Can learned that he was not going to teach in Çankaya University any longer when he called the school to find out the hours of the course he was going to teach. He said the school did not give any explanation regarding the reason for its decision.
Can’s lecturing was ended in Ufuk University in 2006 as well. (EÖ/TB)