Conscientious Objectors To Meet in Cyprus

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The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO) will hold its annual meeting on November 4, in Nicosia.
Representatives from Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Finland, France, Germany and England will attend the meeting.
In the meeting, which will be hosted by the Conscientious Objection Initiative in Cyprus, an assessment of the works carried out in the member states of the Council of Europe regarding in the fields of the right to conscientious objection, anti-militarist fight, peace and the solution of clashes, will be made and the new members of the secretary will be assigned.
Representatives from conscientious objector organizations will come together on November 3 at 5 p.m. in the Home for Cooperation in the buffer zone of Nicosia and exchange views on conscientious objection in a meeting which will also be attended by the president of EBCO. (EKN/DG)