Conscientious objector Kızılay: They want to deport me to Turkey

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Having not accepted mandatory military service in Turkey and used his right of conscientious objection, Murat Kızılay made an asylum request to the Netherlands in 2019. Kızılay has been taken into custody in the refugee camp where he has been staying in the country.
Saying that they want to deport him to Turkey, he has noted that they have bought his flight ticket as well and he might be sent back any minute.
'I refuse to learn how to use guns'
As reported by Rojda Oğuz from Gazete Duvar news website, Murat Kızılay has said the following about the issue:
"I made a request for asylum in the Netherlands as a conscientious objector. The court did not accept that I am a political conscientious objector. They told me, 'Do your military service by payment.'
"I have been detained many times since 2019; but, this time, they have made all preparations, even bought my flight ticket.
"I exercised my most basic right. I won't be subordinated to any army. I refuse to be a gear of this wheel, wear camouflage, get orders from the hierarchy, use guns or learn how to use guns.
"Human dignity is above flags and armies. I renounce all my civil rights rather than being a part of this reactionary and sick mechanism which claims that it is the master race and sees it normal to take lives for this sake.
"I will not be a part of any nationalist or militarist institution or mechanism that disregards freedom, equality and peace." (EKN/SD)