Conscientious Objector Delice on Hunger Strike

Muhammed Serdar Delice is being incarcerated at the Kasımpaşa Military Prison since 29 November because he refuses to do his military service out of religious reasons. He started a hunger strike because he was allegedly tortured at prison.
Delice has not been eating for four days as a means of protest against having been beaten. Related camera records were added to the file of the investigation into the incident launched by the prosecutor's office.
Lawyer Davut Erkan explained Serdar Delice's situation to bianet. He said that he sent a complaint petition to the Human Rights Commission of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) last week.
Protection money
Thereupon, the military prosecution initiated an investigation, Erkan said. Delice's statement was taken and he was taken to the Forensic Medicine Institute. From there, the conscientious objector was transferred to the psychiatry service.
Erkan indicated that they requested an investigation inside the prison after the beating. The demand was accepted and they went to prison together with the prosecutor on Sunday (18 December).
The lawyer continued:
* Photographs were taken from the place the incident happened and a record was kept of the prison conditions.
* Furthermore, the camera footage of the day the incident happened was viewed. The records related to the time of the incident were copied and added to the investigation file.
* The incident happened right in front of the door of the ward. We were not able to fully watch the entire incident since the camera is fixed just above the door. The things that happened right at the door are not visible. Therefore, footage of the end of the beating was added to the records.
* Delice was beaten by the person he shares the prison cell with. They wanted Delice to give them money. As far as we understand, this is asked of any newcomer. In other words, there is a system for protection money.
* Delice refused to give them money. However, they threatened him and Delice asked his family for money. He gave them 250 Lira. Yet, they did not consider this enough and beat him by saying that he had not paid his debt.
"Investigation should maintain a broad angle"
The investigation is still going on. Erkan emphasized that it was important in which direction the investigation was advancing. The lawyer stated that they demanded to include all persons into the investigation who were involved due to negligence or intend.
Erkan underlined that the prison officials knew about the incident. According to the lawyer, Delice said that no person on duty intervened against the incident when he was beaten.
Erkan mentioned that this kind of incidents did not happen to Delice only. The lawyer claimed that torture was applied systematically at prison and underscored that for this reason the investigation should maintain a broad angle. (EKN)
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