Confidentiality Order for Bombing Attacks in Diyarbakır

Criminal Court of Peace gave confidentiality order for bombing attacks carried out on June 5 in Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) rally in Diyarbakır province (in Southeastern Turkey). Bombing attacks carried out two days before the general elections took lives of four people and left hundreds of people wounded.
According to the news, the defendant O.G was arrested by Criminal Court of Peace last night in Antep province and admitted his offence. Public Prosecutor of Diyarbakır stated that O.G. was arrested for ‘willful murder and being a member of a terror organization’.
After the arrestment, Public Prosecutor of Diyarbakır appealed to Criminal Court of Peace for confidentiality order. The court gave confidentiality order.
Prosecution launched an investigation against a reporter and public authorities since the privacy of investigation was violated.
Chief Prosecutor, Ramazan Solmaz, said they were strong willed to keep investigation transparent but gave confidentiality order since some information was published in press against the welfare of the case.
Solmaz stated the case and the connections of the defendant were scrutinized and added public opinion would be informed time to time about the case in that investigation kept going. (AS/BD)
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