Confederation of Labour Unions: No Reason to Celebrate in 2009

The Turkish Confederation of Labour Unions (Türk-İş) Board of Presidents evaluated the year 2009 under the aspect of labour and workers in yesterday's (30 December) meeting of the board. The confederation assessed 2009 the worst year ever for workers and gave the following reasons for their unedifying conclusion:
* Unemployment and flexible working arrangements increased because of insufficient measures against the crisis;
* Subcontracting and informal economy have not been counteracted:
* Applications that treat workers like slaves have been imposed, applications such as 4/C and similar measures are feeding that approach;
* The Unemployment Insurance Fund has been continuously used beyond its purpose;
* Lack of democratization of laws regarding work life;
* Tax justice has not been granted;
* Negative aspects of the Social Securtiy and Generel Health Insurance law to the disadvantage of workers have not been removed.
Türk-İş criticized that the level of minimum wages was again determined as a poverty allowance and that deaths and accidents continuously happened because deficits in the field of occupational health and security have not been abolished. The confederation furthermore emphasized that once again "disproportionate force" has been used against actions on 1 May organized by TEKEL workers, fire fighters and other labour and business organizations.
The confederation's Board of Presidents thinks that changing methods in the Business Sectors Statistics without amending law no. 2821on Labour Unions and law no. 2822 on Collective Agreement, Strike and Lookout will create chaos in business life.
Türk-İş called Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for a more amicable approach towards government workers and unions and to be sensitive about their demands. The confederation repeated its decision announced on 23 December to carry out ongoing protest actions and a widely joined meeting.
The Türk-İş Board of Presidents declared to use the "right not to work" on the first three consecutive Fridays of the new year. The confederation will lay down work on 8, 15 and 22 January in the context of the resistance of TEKEL workers in Ankara which has reached its 15th day.
Türk-İş will organize protest actions in front of local buildings of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on the relevant days. The federation will call for the participation of other unions and business organizations as well. (BÇ/VK)