Communications Minister: ttt instead of www

Minister of Transportation, Communication and Marine, Lütfi Elvan claimed that Turkey could start considering about creating its own web zone address if social media would not “respect” the international law regulations.
“We may create ttt instead of www,” he said on Saturday. He also added that an international convention must be found to form binding regulations for countries and companies.
“If an international convention gets organized to eliminate this unsupervised situation of social media, all problems could be resolved. Social media outlets are mainly U.S. based. Germany, France and other EU countries have problems on this issue. These countries also have negotiations with the U.S.
“Social media must have a single international rule book just like UN’s principles. If not, countries can create their own area addresses for security purposes. This has been discussed for a long time.”
“A ttt system could be created instead of www. Turkey and other countries may create their own zone systems. On the other hand, this would disconnect countries’ internet systems from each other. It will get harder for countries to reach each other. This obviously is a controversial topic.” (ÇT/ENÜ/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.