Communication Students from Izmir Visit bianet

15 students of the Department for Media and Communication from the Izmir Economics University visited the bianet offices on 8 March.
Executive Editor Erhan Üstündağ informed the students about the bianet project, its founding, the different stages it passed through and the targets in current journalism.
Freedom of Expression Editor Erol Önderoğlu gave an insight on the political development in Turkey and the parallel prevalence of restrictions related to freedom of press and expression. Önderoğlu gave examples of how these restrictions became ever more distinct in recent years in times when state institutions have been or seem to be in conflict with each other.
Editors Üstündağ and Önderoğlu answered questions of the students later on.
The group of the Izmir Economics University included the following students:
Selin Bayraktar (4th year), Mert Özcan (4th year), Naz Arman (4th year), Begüm Bilgin (3rd year), Faruk Tan (3rd year), Mustafa Kolcu (3rd year), Feyzi Mirhanoğlu (3rd year), Jülide Çalışır (3rd year), Merve Bozkan (3rd year), Hakan Gözütok (3rd year), Elif Egeli (4th year), Gözde Kamay (4th year), Gizem Güngör (3rd year), Cem Dumlupınar (4th year) ve Dorukhan Barkan (3rd year).(BÇ/VK)