Collective bargaining | Metal workers, employers’ union reach an agreement

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The Turkish Metal Union, United Metal Workers Union and Özçelik Labor Union and the employers' union, the Metal Industrialists Union of Turkey (MESS), reached an agreement in collective bargaining and signed the collective labor agreement at 2.30 am today (January 12).
The 2-year collective agreement will affect the wages and employee personal rights of 130 thousand workers in Turkey. With this collective agreement, the largest collective agreement in the private sector, the metal workers' wages will be increased by 27.44 percent in the first 6 months.
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After the agreement was signed, three unions have released a joint statement and shared details about the collective agreement.
According to the statement, "an increase of 65.67 percent has been received to the MESS wage average," which means the following:
In the first 6 months, the hourly wages of everyone has been increased by 10 percent and, in addition, an increase of 3.70 lira will be the case on an equal basis, which accounts for 27.44 percent in total.
In the second 6 months, the hourly wages of everyone will be increased by 30 percent and this rate is inflation protected.
In the third and fourth 6-month periods of the collective agreement, the metal workers' wages will be increased by the inflation rate.
As for their social rights, an increase of 35 percent has been agreed on by the parties in the first year. In the second year, the wage increase will be at the rate of inflation. The Sacrifice Feast (Eid al-Adha) aid has been increased by 75 percent for all groups in the first year.
This January, a cheque of net 400 Turkish Lira (TRY) for provisions will be given and it will also be the case next January, in January 2023.
The collective labor agreement between the parties came in the wake of a decision to strike. The collective bargaining that began in September 2021 ended in a deadlock and the Turkish Metal Union called a strike. The parties started negotiations again on January 10, 2022. (TP/SD)